Working in Indonesia With International Salary, It’s Possible?

Agun Buhori
2 min readAug 26, 2022


We are living in an internet era when people have access to others around the world. This is a big opportunity for job seekers, we can expand the job opportunities abroad. If you were graduated from school, the first thing in your mind usually about how to search job in your location. Such as an engineer, admin, security of a company, or others. In this article, I will explain how to expand worldwide opportunities from your home.

Motivate Yourself With High Salary And International Relations

In Indonesia, the minimum salary is called UMR. When I found the range of salaries by data, there is an average salary between IDR 4.000.000–6.000.000 a month. If you are living in the industry zone, the salaries are mostly high and low in other zones.

For example in Europe and US, the salary’s average is between IDR 60.000.000–120.000.000 a month. This is a fantastic salary if we compare it with the Indonesian-based salary. But, this is possible for you to get a European-based salary, even your work at your house!

Hone Your English Skill

Currently, English is an international language. We have to use English to communicate with our colleagues in other countries. We have to learn how to speak, write, listen, and read English correctly. If you have enough money to buy some courses, let’s do it. If not, you can open your YouTube app and search for tutorials from English teachers.

Hone Your Communication Skill

Communication is an important skill must have by employees. If your communication skill is minimum, it’s hard to develop yourself and your career. Try to use communication platforms like Slack, Github, Stackoverflow, etc.

Hone Your Computer Skill

Computer Science has a lot of fields such as programming, graphic designing, illustrating, video editing, and so on. The tutorials on the fields are very much on the internet and you can find them on any platform.

If you are a programmer, hone your problem-solving skills and try to be a master in a field, such as front-end engineer, back-end engineer, or data engineer.

If you are a designer or illustrator, try to sell your creation to the market and it’s a way to open your opportunity widely.

Upgrade Your Profile

Try to register on job market platforms like Linkedin, Turing, etc, then fill in the profile fields. Please don't forget to put your experiences, projects, creations, skills, and your relations.

If you are a programmer, don't forget to upload your projects to Github, Vercel, etc, and make them visible to everyone. Let the recruiter see your codes and your programming skill.

